The Alliance Theatre Institute partners with school districts and schools to deliver professional learning for educators and arts integrated or theater-based instruction for students. Designed...
Dr. Kay Pace has enjoyed a long and distinguished professional career as concert pianist, college music professor, music administrator, music educator, choral director, composer/arranger, ethnomusicologist,...
I am artistic director of Egun Omode (children of the ancestors) Performing Arts Collective, the only sekere and West African folkloric dance and drum ensemble...
J’miah Nabawi is an award-winning, multi-faceted storyteller. His upbeat storytelling reflects the story-dance-musical storytelling drama found in many parts of Africa and its diaspora. J’miah...
The PAIR Program is an arts integration program developed by the Education Office of the Springer Opera House, Georgia's Historic State Theatre. The PAIR Program...
Mission Partner approaches teaching and learning using an arts integrative lens. We provide K-12 educators with inquiry-based arts integration and STEAM experiences, opportunities for collaboration,...
The mission of Prime Vice Studios (PVS), LLC is to empower people to bring their creative ideas to life through storytelling. Being specialized in comic...
Randy Taylor works in the fields of Theatre and Visual Arts, Arts Integration, Project-Based Learning, Mantle of the Expert, and STEAM. His approach starts as...
Samone has a bachelor’s degree in Drama and an MS Degree in Leadership and Ethics. She has a Doctorate in Education. Her professional experience includes...