Georgia Council for the Arts seeks to increase the visibility and support of public funding for the arts. When grantees acknowledge their organization’s support from GCA, they are communicating to the public the importance of government support, whether local, state, or federal tax dollars.
Printed Credit
GCA requires all grantees to recognize GCA in all materials, publications, and programs that are supported by state funds and in which other funders are credited. This includes programs, newsletters, brochures, fliers, ads, calendars, posters, press releases, films, videotapes, websites and all electronic transmissions. Any organization receiving a Partner Grant must provide this recognition for the entirety of the fiscal year of funding.
The GCA logo must be reproduced in the same size and proportion as that of other sponsors. It must be reproduced as it is provided, without alteration.
If there is no printed material associated with a program, oral credit must be given. The statement below must be provided before the event or performance, and during any radio broadcast or audiotape for the hearing impaired.
“This program is supported in part by Georgia Council for the Arts through the appropriations of the Georgia General Assembly. Georgia Council for the Arts also receives support from its partner agency – the National Endowment for the Arts.”
NEA Credit
GCA receives significant funding from the National Endowment for the Arts. Grantees should recognize the NEA on their materials in addition to, but not instead of, the GCA logo. Visit the NEA website for access to the logo.
Logo Links
- GCA Logo, Black- hi-res, .jpg file
- GCA Logo, Color (RGB)- hi-res, .jpg file
- GCA Logo, Color (CMYK)- hi-res, .jpg file
To request eps versions on the logo, contact Tina Lilly at [email protected].