Economic Impact of Nonprofit Arts
Arts & Economic Prosperity 6 (AEP6) is an economic and social impact study of the nonprofit arts and culture industry administered nationally by Americans for the Arts and facilitated by Georgia Council for the Arts at the state level. AEP6 examined the impact of nonprofit arts and culture in Georgia using data provided by more than 400 organizations across the state.
Nonprofit arts and culture organizations are vital to the fabric of Georgia communities, driving local commerce, strengthening tourism, supporting education, and cultivating community pride.
Highlights from AEP6 include:

Local Community AEP6 Studies
Americans for the Arts partnered with 297 local, regional, and statewide organizations that represent the 373 study regions in AEP6. In addition to the statewide study conducted for GCA, four additional regions in Georgia participated in the AEP6 study. View the findings for each location by clicking the name below:
Macon-Bibb County
Macon (downtown)
Richmond County (Augusta)
Could your community or organization use this information to demonstrate the impact
of the arts?
Total Creative Industries
Discover the economic impact of total arts and creativity industry.