Tattlingtale Productions

Cathy offers a multitude and variety of school programs that tie in with the social studies and language arts curriculum from grades k-5. I also have a series of one woman portrayals for community audiences including Eleanor Roosevelt and Rosalynn Carter and family night storytelling programs.

Ms. Noodlehead Has Georgia on Her Mind

Delivery MethodLive & Indoors Live & Online Live & Outdoors Recorded & Online
Storytelling: Ms. Noodlehead and Fanny, the Green Tree Frog, prove how much Georgia is on their minds. Take the “Whaddya Know About Georgia Quiz” and more to learn Georgia fun facts.

Rose's Last Scraps

Delivery MethodLive & Indoors Live & Online Live & Outdoors Recorded & Online
Storytelling: The story of Rose Leo, at one time our country's oldest living/working journalist.