Full Radius Dance

Full Radius Dance is a physically integrated dance company based in Atlanta, GA. With thirty years of experience in the field, the company is widely recognized as a pioneer in the art of dance. Founded in 1990 by artistic/executive director Douglas Scott, the company employs dancers with and without disabilities in the creation, rehearsal, and performance of the work. Historically, dance training assumes a set of norms, paradigms, and aesthetics applicable only to people without disabilities. Full Radius Dance has created a methodology of rigorous dance training that serves both disabled and non-disabled dancers. Their performances highlight rich, full-bodied movement and innovative partnering. Full Radius Dance offers performances, workshops, and school assembly programs to venues, schools, and communities.

A New Spin on Dance

Delivery MethodLive & Indoors Live & Outdoors
Dance: A lecture-demonstration featuring dance works interwoven with a brief introduction to the art form of physically integrated (dancers with and without disabilities) modern dance, audience participation, and Q & A.


Delivery MethodLive & Indoors Live & Outdoors
Full Radius Dance brings together its company of dancers with and without disabilities to embody Helen Keller’s quote “Alone we can do so little; Together we can do so much.” Through the art form of physically integrated dance, the company emphasizes community, body diversity, and teamwork in a fun and interactive performance. A resource guide is available for deeper learning.

Virtually Live!

Delivery MethodLive & Online Recorded & Online
Dance: A viewing party of works from our repertoire of groundbreaking, physically integrated dance. Includes a discussion between the dancers, the artistic director, and you!