Piccadilly Puppets

Butterfly Ballad

Delivery MethodLive & Indoors Live & Online Live & Outdoors Recorded & Online
Puppetry: Butterfly Ballad traces the metamorphosis of Katy and Kevin from egg to caterpillar, chrysalis, and butterfly. Join them on their fascinating migration to Mexico and back to the United States to lay their eggs, beginning the life cycle again. Performed with hand and rod puppets and lots of comedy! Children learn a few Spanish words; a bilingual version is available on request (live only). The show lasts 30 minutes, plus demonstration and Q&A.

Cherokee Tales

Delivery MethodLive & Indoors Live & Outdoors Recorded & Online
Puppetry: This is a NEW version of our show, revised by Kara Morrison, a playwright with Cherokee ancestry. The puppet Sequoyah teaches Cherokee history and culture through Cherokee legends about Water Beetle, Buzzard, and other animals. Children portray members of the Seven Clans and other characters, and learn about the Trail of Tears. The show also features Cherokee music and lots of interaction. The online version is only 15 minutes; the live version is 30 minutes not including Q&A.

Once Upon a Time in China

Delivery MethodLive & Indoors Live & Online Live & Outdoors Recorded & Online
This enchanting Chinese tale teaches the importance of being honest. The Emperor is very old and needs to find someone to take over his duties, as he has no son. The new leader must be smart and strong, kind and courageous, patient and honest, especially HONEST. How will he find just the right boy? (Based on the story of The Empty Pot). The show lasts 30 minutes, plus demonstration and Q&A.